Operating rules of Ryby a rybičky

Pořadatel: Lenka Zemanová, Zahradní 3401, Milovice, 289 23, www.rybyarybicky.cz


  1. A public exposition is intended for breeders and growers to meet, exchange, sell and display exotic plants, birds, aquarium and terrarium animals, natural collections, breeding and planting supplies and specialized literature.


  1. Everyone who is offering, for sale or exchange, plants, animals or goods stated in point I-1 (further called “vendor” only), is obliged to rent a sale place. Except these places, any manipulation is forbidden.
  2. The lease of a vending spot can be ordered via registration on https://www.rybyarybicky.cz/en/registration A well filled and submitted registration is considered to be an offer to conclude the lease agreement under the conditions stated on www.rybyarybicky.cz. Organizer’s confirmation of the registration is considered to be an acceptance of the offer to conclude a lease agreement. The provisions of § 1740 paragraph 3 of the Civil Code will not be applied. To avoid misunderstandings, it is stated that if the organizer doesn’t confirm the registration, the agreement will not be concluded.
  3. If a vendor hands his sale to another taker, they are obliged to inform the organizer about it. Otherwise, they are taking all the responsibility for the possible sanctions or damage done. At the same time, it doesn’t affect the provision of the section 6 of this paragraph.
  4. Handover of reserved places takes place from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. After that time, the reservation expires and the place is offered to another candidate.
  5. The seller is required to cover the sales area or table with a cloth or other suitable material to prevent any damage.
  6. The seller is obliged to ensure that the wheels of the trolley are clean and undamaged when transporting goods.
  7. The organizer reserves the right to disclocate the vendor, in case of necessary operational or organizational changes, to another place.
  8. The organizer reserves the right to reject the participation of a vendor in a particular event or to permanently forbid their participation in any events of this kind until termination.


  1. The seller agrees to meet the applicable legislation and these operating rules related to offering and selling goods at the event. The organizer is not responsible for each sellers’ selling or any goods offering, nor for the nature or origin of the sold goods. The seller agrees to prove the nature and origin of the sold goods whenever they are asked to.
  2. Exchanging and selling of animals at an event can happen only under the conditions stated in “Regulations on Animal Protection” (available on http://www.rybyarybicky.cz/en or by the organizer).
  3. Selling of venomous reptiles is possible only at a place dedicated for it. Sellers offering this kind of animals are obligated to follow all the necessary precautions, so there’s nothing threatening the life and health of the event attendants.
  4. Everyone who sells an animal that requires special care, will inform the buyer about the obligation to register the animal at the veterinary administration corresponding with the location of permanent residence.
  5. All the attendants of the bourse are responsible for property damage caused by their behavior. If an animal escapes, the owner of it or the person who noticed the escape, is obligated to inform the organizer about it immediately. The attendant, who caused the escape of the animal, is obligated to pay for all the costs for their capture or disinfestation.
  6. All participants of the bourse are obliged to have good manners, get along with other participants of the event and build a good image to Ryby a rybičky.
  7. All the animals intended for selling must be placed on table at 8:00, when the animals’ veterinary inspection takes place.


  1. At the event, it’s only possible to promote other events, websites, mobile apps or exhibitions after an agreement with the organizer.
  2. On the premises of the event, it’s forbidden to smoke, apart from the area reserved for that purpose.
  3. Every event participant is obliged to follow the directions of the organizers.
  4. Please, keep all the event’s premises tidy and, after its end, turn your place of sale back to the original state, which you accepted it in.
  5. The organizer is not responsible for any damage or loss incurred during the event to its participants.
  6. The Operating Rules are obligatory upon all event participants.
  7. Every exhibitor, vendor and visitor is considered to be an event participant.
  8. Animals requiring special care are considered to be those animals defined by the Decree no. 411/2008 Coll.
  9. Exhibitors are obliged to use electrical equipment with a valid inspection according to ČSN 33 1600 ED.2 (Verification and checking of electrical appliances and hand-held motor-operated electric tools during use). 


These Operating Rules are valid from 1.1.2023.