Frequently asked question

What can I find at the action?

  • A wide spectrum of fish, snails and shrimps straight from the breeders (not from a factory farm)
  • A rich selection of plants straight from the breeders (not from large-scale greenhouses)
  •  A wide selection of different kinds of feed (live and dried)
  • Medicines, vitamins and fertilizers
  • Aquarium equipment and accessories
  • Free professional consultancy from sellers with years of fishkeeping experience
  • Possibility to order gluing of a fish tank, according to specified dimensions
  • Aquaristic literature and magazines
  • More reasonable prices than in aquaristic stores
  • Refreshment 

Why should I go to the bourse instead of going to a regular aquaristic store?

  • Most of the sold fish, snails, shrimps and frozen feeding is straight from the breeders. In aquaristic stores, they get the goods from factory farms which are often of poor quality or sick.
  • At the bourse, it’s possible to talk to many sellers and visitors, that’ll be glad to help.
  • Meeting new people who share the same hobby


What are the prices at the action?

Usually lower, even though the goods are of a higher quality than those in aquaristic and internet stores.


Will they have the species of fish, plant, shrimp… that I want?

Fortunately, the range of goods offered by sellers varies according to their breeding accomplishments. The sellers are changing as well. Rare species are in smaller numbers and that’s why they’ll get sold out moments after opening. Don’t hesitate to ask the sellers, whether they might come by some more and bring them to the next bourse.


What should I do if the sellers at the bourse don’t offer what I want?

Don’t be afraid to ask sellers or organizers. Sellers are willing and able to obtain almost anything (fish, plants, shrimps, snails, feeding, equipment and glued fish tanks). After an agreement, it’s possible to pick up the ordered goods at the next bourse.


When I buy a fish at the bourse, for how long does it survive inside the plastic bag, in which it was sold to me?

That depends on many factors: the amount of fish, the species of fish, the amount of time spent on transport, the outside temperature… If you know that the transport might take long and the fish would have to stay in the plastic bag for a longer period of time due to that, always inform the seller about it - they will blow oxygen in the bag. 10 Neon Tetra fish can withstand being in the bag for 6 hours without oxygen. In case you buy four guppies, the seller won’t be putting oxygen in the plastic bag without being asked to (oxygen is expensive). It is always important to maintain the right temperature, so that the fish won’t catch a cold.

So, the conclusion is: Ask for oxygen, ask the seller for advice and maintain the temperature (under your jacket or in a thermo bag. A bag with warm water may be added in the thermo bag, in order to maintain the required temperature there.) The more considerate the transport, the less likely it is for eventual health problems with the fish to occur.


What should I do with the bought fish at home?

All the fish are controlled by the sellers before being offered. Study the details on what is necessary to do before you place your new fish inside the fish tank! Find out if your new fish, shrimps and snails are suitable for your fish tank (in accordance with the temperature, pH, composition of other fish, …). You may ask experienced sellers at the bourse. Each new fish must undergo quarantine (every fish illness has an incubation period whose process is often unnoticed even by an experienced aquarist). Before releasing the new fish into the quarantine, one to two thirds of water (according to the volume) must be replaced with fresh water. After that, you may add the water from the aquarium, little by little, into the plastic bag with the fish (let the bag temper slowly - in order to allow the fish to acclimate to the temperature of their new environment) and then pour the whole content of the bag into the quarantine. If the fish are healthy, you may transfer them from the quarantine into your aquarium, following the same procedure.


Is the action wheelchair accessible?

There are five stairs by the entrance. That’s it. The bourses are attended by sellers and visitors in wheelchairs too. There’s always somebody who helps them get past the stairs and then there’s no problem. We recommend coming at 8:30, when there’s less people at the bourse. After 9:30, it’s usually more crowded there.


How can I get to the action?

Fish and little fish takes place near the Pankrác metro station, as well as the highway. On the map, you will get the info on how to get to us.


Where is it possible to park?

You can park for free around the school (no blue zones here) see map.


Can I become a seller?

If you’d like to sell or share your breeding or growing achievements at the bourse, fill out this form